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+44 20 7378 7021


Live Events

In the bustling landscape of financial industry events, Sibos 2023 has carved out a unique niche. Distinctively mature and centred around genuine business collaboration, this event diverges from the commonplace glitz and spectacle. Instead, it offers an environment where significant

Glocal event marketing refers to a strategy that combines both global and local marketing efforts to promote and attract attendees to an event. This approach recognises the importance of reaching a global audience while also tailoring marketing initiatives to resonate

How global should global branding be? Business has learned, often painfully, that one message does not fit all. The rise of digital solutions offers the chance for simpler localisation of a message

In the bustling landscape of financial industry events, Sibos 2023 has carved out a unique niche. Distinctively mature and centred around genuine business collaboration, this event diverges from the commonplace glitz and spectacle. Instead, it offers an environment where significant

In the bustling landscape of financial industry events, Sibos 2023 has carved out a unique niche. Distinctively mature and centred around genuine business collaboration, this event diverges from the commonplace glitz and spectacle. Instead, it offers an environment where significant

Every bite we take leaves an imprint on our environment, from farming to production, food transport and waste management. Each part has a sustainability impact. In the eyes of many people only just starting their sustainability journey, when it comes

Late to the party perhaps, but determined not to be out-done, Apple have unveiled their ‘groundbreaking’ Vision Pro Headset. Apple wants this highly anticipated release to be a pivotal moment in XR (extended reality), but will Vision Pro be the

Does the tsunami of new, event tech leave you feeling lost? Should you inject the new tech into your events? Or play it safe and stick with what you know?  Well, at Shelton Fleming, we’re forever advocates of cool tech and

CES23 (Consumer Electronics Show) is arguably the world’s most influential trade show. For event and marketing professionals it’s a chance to see what tech is generating hype and why; but also, to see how the big brands are presenting their