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Shelton Fleming Associates
Shand House
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+44 20 7378 7021


sustainable events Tag

The events industry is evolving. Once solely focused on creating impactful experiences, clients and event professionals are increasingly prioritising sustainability. This shift reflects a growing awareness of our environmental impact and a desire to minimize it. Here's where choosing an

Glocal event marketing refers to a strategy that combines both global and local marketing efforts to promote and attract attendees to an event. This approach recognises the importance of reaching a global audience while also tailoring marketing initiatives to resonate

How global should global branding be? Business has learned, often painfully, that one message does not fit all. The rise of digital solutions offers the chance for simpler localisation of a message

Virtual meetings have become the norm in today’s world. With the widespread availability of super-fast broadband and the rise of remote work, people are now able to communicate with one another from different parts of the world through video conferencing

Virtual meetings have become the norm in today’s world. With the widespread availability of super-fast broadband and the rise of remote work, people are now able to communicate with one another from different parts of the world through video conferencing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. From voice assistants to recommendation systems, AI has impacted various aspects of our daily routines.  As AI continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, it's worth exploring what conversations with

Virtual meetings have become the norm in today’s world. With the widespread availability of super-fast broadband and the rise of remote work, people are now able to communicate with one another from different parts of the world through video conferencing

Virtual meetings have become the norm in today’s world. With the widespread availability of super-fast broadband and the rise of remote work, people are now able to communicate with one another from different parts of the world through video conferencing

CES23 (Consumer Electronics Show) is arguably the world’s most influential trade show. For event and marketing professionals it’s a chance to see what tech is generating hype and why; but also, to see how the big brands are presenting their

Event industry practices can have a significant environmental impact due to factors such as transport, energy use, and waste. Due to the temporary nature of sometimes large-scale events, its contribution is speeding up damage to the environment.