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Shelton Fleming Associates
Shand House
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+44 20 7378 7021


Glocal Marketing Events: How to make it work in practice… 

Glocal event marketing refers to a strategy that combines both global and local marketing efforts to promote and attract attendees to an event. This approach recognises the importance of reaching a global audience while also tailoring marketing initiatives to resonate with more local communities.

CES, MWC and COP… what do they all have in common? (Apart from being pretty major ‘must be seen at’ global events?) The answer, the attendees travel on mass to a single destination. How long can that last? We already know that it’s better for the planet (and potentially the reach of the event) that multiple iterations of the same event are created across the globe, linking speakers, content, presentations and meetings digitally while ensuring the local event is sustainably tailored to the needs of the audience. 

How do you become more GLOCAL with your events…  

The first and most important rule for your events, no matter where they are, is to maintain a consistent global brand image across all marketing materials. This helps create a unified identity for your event, making it recognizable and trustworthy across different locations.  

Here are some key considerations for implementing a successful glocal marketing strategy for events: 

1. Understand & Respect Local Cultures 

Don’t make a one-size-fits event. Even if delivering an event across multiple locations in one country or across global locations, ensure your designs, logistic process, user experience plan, and promotional content can be adapted to suit the ‘local situation’. 

Research and understand the local cultures and preferences of the target audience in each location. Adapt your marketing messages, visuals, and promotional materials to align with local values and interests.  Establish partnerships with local businesses, organizations, or influencers. Collaborate with them to promote the event, tap into their local networks to deliver a more authentice and targeted event.  

2. Localized Content on Local channels  

Brand consistency is very important. Designing from the outset for multi-cultural implementation or ensuring you have specific regional variations built into the event is a minimum requirement. What matters most is ensuring the message and content promoted resonates with the audience.  

Customize your content to address local needs and concerns. Highlight speakers, performers, or topics that are particularly relevant to the local audience. Use local case studies or success stories to establish a connection. 

Tailor messaging and interactivity to meet the specific needs and preferences of local audiences. This relevance can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.  Utilize local channels and leverage local media, influencers, and community platforms to reach your audience. Local newspapers, radio stations, and community events can provide valuable exposure.   

3. Geo-Targeted Advertising & Social Media  

Implement geo-targeted advertising to reach specific audiences in different locations. Platforms like Google Ads and social media networks allow you to target users based on their location, ensuring that your ads are seen by the right people. 

Tailor your social media strategy to suit each region. Use platforms that are popular in specific locations and adjust posting schedules to align with peak engagement times in those regions. Create location-specific hashtags to encourage local engagement. 

4.  Implementing sustainable best practice is easier when you go local  

Local event sourcing, choosing resources and services from your local area for your event, offers a multitude of benefits for sustainability.   

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Minimizing transport distances lowers greenhouse gas emissions associated with transporting goods and equipment, contributing to cleaner air and mitigating climate change. 

Sustainable Resource Management: Supporting local farmers, producers, and businesses encourages sustainable practices like responsible sourcing, reduced packaging, and minimizing waste. 

Conservation of Resources: Utilizing local resources reduces pressure on global resources and promotes responsible consumption within the event community. 

5.  Economic & Social benefits of keeping it local  

Investing in local businesses keeps money circulating within the local community, fostering economic development and creating jobs. By choosing local vendors, you contribute to the overall economic well-being of that community, creating a win-win situation. 

‘Cultural Authenticity’ is becoming more criitcal to global brand success. Embracing local resources and talent allows you to incorporate community flair and authenticity into your event, creating a unique and memorable experience. Sourcing from diverse local businesses promotes social equity and empowers marginalized communities, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable event experience. 

Any challenge in marketing & events can be overcome with a little innovative thinking and some intelligent strategic planning… when combined with a healthy dose of good intentions. More ‘local’ events would ensure feedback from attendees in different regions is more pertinent and easier to analyze. ROI and the success of your glocal marketing efforts can be measured more accurately and with greater insight gained. You can then use the insights to refine your strategy for future events. 

Consider this as well; by combining global reach with a localized approach, glocal marketing allows events to connect with diverse audiences, building a sense of inclusivity, relevance and sustainability on a global scale. 

Come and talk to Shelton Fleming… we know how this stuff works.  

Get in contact with us to find out how we can support more effective global marketing and incorporate sustainability, strategy, creativity and innovation to create an immersive and memorable experience that leaves an impact of good on the environment, for you, your brand but most importantly your partners and customers!