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Shelton Fleming Associates
Shand House
14-20 Shand Street
United Kingdom

Registered in England 1647866

+44 20 7378 7021


Creative Technology

CES23 (Consumer Electronics Show) is arguably the world’s most influential trade show. For event and marketing professionals it’s a chance to see what tech is generating hype and why; but also, to see how the big brands are presenting their

Virtual meetings have become the norm in today’s world. With the widespread availability of super-fast broadband and the rise of remote work, people are now able to communicate with one another from different parts of the world through video conferencing

‘The before times & the gateway to the virtual world’  Before COVID-19, VR was more of an abstract idea. Whilst it had a home in gaming and simulation, in the mainstream it sounded cool but had few practical applications.  Then entered ‘social distancing’,

We love technology and events, fortunately these two topics go hand in hand. The events industry is one of the fastest modernising industries, capitalising on tech to help engage audiences in new and exciting ways. From finance to aerospace, consumer