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Shelton Fleming Associates
Shand House
14-20 Shand Street
United Kingdom

Registered in England 1647866

+44 20 7378 7021

GKN Automotive

GKN: the future of intelligent mobility

Driving innovation for OEMs


Like so many businesses today, GKN are navigating in a highly disruptive world. So, our work for their automotive division has been both deep and far-reaching. More than simply audience engagement, we’ve supported brand re-positioning and the evolution of the company culture.


The backdrop is the relentless push towards eco-friendly transport, with electrification and now the allure of autonomous vehicles.


Experts in both engineering and material sciences, GKN Automotive is evolving towards a future predicated on software-defined solutions and complex data-analytics. As more components and systems in a vehicle’s powertrain, morph into the electric and digital sphere, the group has to act and think like a technology company.


These changes never take place against static competition. New competitors pepper the landscape, squeezing margins. There can be pressure to set up ops closer to customers. And there’s the double-whammy: a need to innovate across legacy portfolios and systems, whilst inventing a new generation of powertrain and tech.


GKN is one of those rare businesses that has a capacity to re-invent itself, to meet new challenges – managing disruption by shaping the future.  Working with the automotive systems group, we’ve been helping reposition the brand through customer centres and exhibition stands at tier one automotive shows around the world.


The GKN relationship is best-in-class proof of how a truly collaborative approach can transform a brand, across diverse audience touch points and carefully curated experiences.

Case studies:

