Shelton Fleming co-created Aerospace Global Forum (AGF), a unique forum that brings together the vast, complex aerospace ecosystem, powered by a vision of sustainable flight, enabling diverse stakeholders to drive industry change.

We co-created an intelligent and meaningful engagement in which the aerospace, aviation, and defence industries could energise the shift to sustainable flight and operations. AGF is an event with the mission to bring aerospace interests together with governments, technologists, financiers and academia to drive the conversation and agenda for sustainable flight. Critical at a time when key players are negotiating the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation, supply chain stretch, and the response to climate change and mitigation.

We co-developed the positioning, Pioneers of Change, focusing the agenda on sustainable flight and reducing the carbon footprint of aviation. Importantly, we changed the conversation to expand the concept to go beyond the scope of what the aerospace sector can commit to, engaging with a wider ecosystem to include banking and private equity, energy, new tech, academia, government, and NGOs. We co-created an expert and convincing sales team to approach these new players. And also helped find and brief potential new sponsors.

Feedback from attendees was extremely positive, with 96% rating the overall experience excellent or good, and a value for money score of 4.23 out of 5, demonstrating the effectiveness of Shelton Fleming's approach and the value of AGF as a platform for driving industry change.